Kamis, 01 April 2010

Procurement Services Business Opportunities

Dear friends,

Procurement services business is a services business to provide goods needed by an institution, whether government or private. Business services procurement is often called the contractor. Each year, the government usually provides budget at some institutions expenditure. Goods are normally used for community empowerment or 'collections' institutions.

Now, to prevent corrupt practices, so they held a tender (normally open) to find who is most worthy of the expenditure mandate. Tender committee selecting qualified bidders who hold these people's money.

Some institutions that I know often shop among other things:

* Department of Agriculture
* Deperindag
* Department of animal husbandry
* Schools
* NGOs in disaster areas for community empowerment
* And many more (please find information in the mass media in your town)

What should be considered on this procurement services business?

For those of you who are interested to capture this business opportunity, the things you should consider include:

* You must have a legal enterprises (Act, SIUP, TDP, TIN)
* Find info procurement of goods in the mass media, or come directly in the respective institutions
* Win the procurement tender with an offer of quality goods at reasonable prices, there are after-sales service and warranty. Usually quite a lot of bidders. You have to win the bid
* Avoid to play dirty, let alone corruption by institutions / tender committee. No problem can be a lot of money, which is important halal and blessed, he .. he ..
* If you win the tender, the tender to spend money to buy goods COMPATIBLE WHEN YOU OFFER AUCTION / PRESENTATION. Never menggannti with other goods, without permission from the committee. Since this could menimbukan problems later on.
* To meet the needs of the tender of goods, usually you find supplyer goods. Supplyer Find a trustworthy, especially if it has been experienced

Source: http://bisnis.pengusahaindonesia.com/peluang-usaha-jasa-pengadaan-barang.htm # more-39

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