Kamis, 01 April 2010

Types of Business with Small Capital

Kind of small capital business is an opportunity that may be feasible in making business opportunities due to the difficulty of looking for business capital or venture capital to do business with big capital. Even if you maybe get a business like this without capital.

Amid the difficult world of work because many companies are closing, making a lot of layoffs everywhere, making the worker or workers affected by layoffs have to rack my brain to look for business opportunities small capital itself which could support a family if the business without capital can not burdensome.

Here are a list of types of businesses or small capital small capital business, venture capital may only be used with minimal investment:

1. Business pulse. Small business only with authorized capital of 100 to 200 thousand, you can start to sell pulses through the HP there.
2. Other small capital business is selling information through blogs. Simply tell yag information about what you've done with the expertise you have, or tell you the information you have.
3. Submitter blogs in the directory. Blog or web requires backlink in place especially in direcoty corpulent or social bookmarking. You can be a submitter for a fee of about 5-10 U.S. $ per 100 submit. You can do this in 2-3 hours.
4. English translator for bloggers

... So much for first while the types of business information on small capital or small capital business where a wirasusaha with minimal investment

Source: http://bisnisgajionline.blogspot.com/2008/12/jenis-jenis-usaha-bisnis-modal-kecil.html

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